
This Week @ HBC (January 8-14)

Wednesday, January 10 - 5:30-7:00

5:30-6:00 - Mid-Week Meal
January 10 -  Baked spaghetti, salad and bread 
January 17 - Fried chicken, company potatoes (like twice baked potatoes), green beans, salad & dessert
January 24 - Nachos and dessert
January 31 - Build your own sub sandwich with sides (Youth Cooking)

6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Meeting
Prayer Meeting - Chapel
Heritage Kids - Gym
Youth - Youth Room

Sunday, January 14 - 9:30-10:15

Preschool & Kids
2s & 3s - HBC Nursery
4s & 5s - HCS Preschool Classroom
1st-3rd Grade - HCS 4th Grade Classroom
4th-6th Grade - HCS 5th Grade Classroom

Lesson: "The Holy Spirit Came" (Acts 2:1-13)

Adults & Students
Adults - HBC Learning Center
Students (7th-12th Grade) - Youth Room

Lesson: "The Spirit Enables" (Acts 2:1-13)

Sunday, January 14 - 9:30-10:15
Join us as Larry Reed continues our winter class on the subject of baptism. This class will meet in Christman Chapel.

Lesson: "The Practice of Baptism by the New Testament Church" 
Sunday, January 14 - 10:30-12:00
Join us for worship as we sing, pray, read Scripture, and hear God's Word. Pastor Mark will be preaching.

Sermon: Luke 3:1-20

Join us Sundays at 
